Integrating Healthcare Associates can aid your organization by supplementing your team with experts in application, system and technology issue identification, troubleshooting and resolution. We have experience with a variety of vendor products and have standard procedures either in place or developed around each support function to assure a standard process is followed.

IHA's Remote Support Service can help your organization’s healthcare information system.

Our remote system support team is made up of analysts who are experienced in a broad range of healthcare specific and mainstream applications. This allows us to leverage our application knowledge and technology experience to add value to your existing processes and business needs. We utilize a CRM ticketing system that allows our support analysts to collaborate on solution documentation, reducing the time it takes for our support analysts to resolve issues.

Highlights of this Service Include:

Help Desk Coverage
Supplement or enhance your help desk by providing a point of contact for your users. Healthcare Application support can range from log-in issues, password resets to more advanced application or desktop troubleshooting as well as the monitoring of application error queues and data integration queues.

Application Troubleshooting
System Analysts work with your team and systems when they dial into your network to work with your end users or help desk staff to troubleshoot user or technology issues.

On-Call Coverage
Supplement your staff during the off hours, holidays and employee vacations. On call staff can support your organization through live events where select consultants can be available to support on short-term needs.